Pretty African First Ladies - Continentalinquirer

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Wednesday 29 April 2015

Pretty African First Ladies

Top 10



10: Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta (Kenya)

Margaret is the wife of Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, making her Kenya’s First Lady. She is 50 years of age and still look elegant even with whitish hair.
She likes to remain simple as well as decent and not only looks that way but also presents herself in a similar manner. She is quite reserved and some might say shy, but that only adds to her beauty.

9: Dominique Folloroux-Ouattara (Ivory Coast)

Even being 61 years old, Dominique makes a beautiful First Lady – among the most beautiful in the whole world, in fact. She is Algerian by birth and is a businesswoman.
She was the CEO of the vast corporate of French Beauty Services. However, after becoming First Lady, she dropped all her previous businesses and dedicated herself to her new status.

8: Olive Lembe di Sita Kabila (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Marie Olive is one of the youngest women in Africa to be an official First Lady (at age 38).
She stayed President Joseph Kabila’s fiancée for a long time before they were married.

7: Ana Paula dos Santos (Angola)


Ana Paula, before being a First Lady, was a model and air hostess, which is how she got to know her current husband, President Jose Eduardo dos Santo, during a presidential flight shift.
She has three kids with him and they make an absolutely stunning couple. She holds degrees in law and teaching and is also part of the International Steering Committee.

6: Queen Inkhosikati LaMbikiza (Swaziland)

A widely known fact is that King Mswati the III has 15 wives, and out of them, LaMbikiza is the first wife he chose for himself, apart from the arranged brides. Even though Queen LaMbikiza dropped out of school when she was 16 just to marry the King, she managed to attain a degree in law after being married.
The law degree remains in name as the Queen is not allowed to exercise her profession, in fear of being favored because of her status. However, she is an extremely ambitious woman and she does many other works to establish her name.
Overall, she is a beautiful and talented woman with a soft sweetly voice that define her personality.

5: Zeinab Suma Jammel (Gambia)

Zeinab Suma is originally from Morocco, a mother of two, and a beautiful and elegant woman. However, the talks that go around about her are harsh, and many people call her many negative terms such as, “gold digger” and “devilish”.
The Gambian President Yahya Jammeh married another wife Alima Sallah in the presence of his first wife Zeinab Suma. She protested about it until the President reportedly divorced the second wife.

4: Hinda Deby Itno (Chad)

Often by her husband, Hinda Deby Itno is a beautiful, humble, and fashionable person. She is known for her signature style of flowing gowns and matching scarves.
She is also an intellectual lady and the president claims she helps him in his affairs. Hinda’s smile and mature sense of mind makes her the most famous wife of all the president’s wives.

3: Chantal Biya (Cameroon)

Chantal Biya is a woman of fashion – she is just as much renowned for her style and hairstyles as she is for being a First Lady. She always manages to whip up something new and creative in her style, and Chanel and Dior are her favorite designers.
Most of the outfits she wears are custom-made. Some people believe her fashion sense is too over the top but a vast argument always denies that.
Chantal Biya is extremely social; she has met many famous personalities who cherish her style like Paris Hilton, and is a member of the African Synergy.

2: Sylvia Bongo Ondimba (Gabon)

Topping the list of the most beautiful First Ladies in Africa is Sylvia Bongo Ondimba, who is also considered to be one of the most beautiful first women of the world, even succeeding the beautiful Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon.
She ranked #7 on our list of world’s most beautiful First Ladies. The Gabon First Lady’s beauty is further advanced by her love for fashion; she is a big fan of famous designer, Valentino and the brand, Chanel, and is also a member of the haute couture club.
Likewise, her own style is never off, and she wears great custom-tailored clothes. Sylvia is also a women and children activist and her confidence and passion makes her shine.

1: Princess Lalla Salma (Morocco)

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Princess Lalla Salma is married to the King of Morocco, Mohammed the. VI. Physically as well as intellectually, Lalla Salma is beautiful.
She has a beautiful face crowned with red hair, and holds a degree in engineering. As she is married to the King, Lalla Salma has a lot of influence in the government of Morocco but apart from that she also has started an organization with the objective to fight cancer.

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