Not just models, several people are giving themselves fake bottoms, muscles through photoshop - Continentalinquirer

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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Not just models, several people are giving themselves fake bottoms, muscles through photoshop

Celebrities s like Beyonce  and Miranda Kerr and are reported to Photoshop their pictures, but members of the public are also trying their hand at editing theirs.
Online, there are thousands of s doctored self-portraits of men and women.

People  look back at a photo and wish that your stomach was a little slimmer or your biceps were a little bigger. 
But for some, the temptation to correct those pictures with some computer wizardry is just a little too much. 
Across the web there are hundreds of embarrassing self-portraits of men and women who strived a little to hard for perfection... and failed spectacularly.
Many attempted to boost their arm muscles with some extra pink paint, while others simply cut and paste a six-pack onto their own torso. 
In other pictures, women have enlarged their breasts and bottoms, but failed to notice that they have also warped the window or wall that they are standing next to.
Some men are so keen to impress that they even superimpose a bikini-clad model onto the back of their motorbike

 What a bummer: This woman attempted a Kim Kardashian bottom... but ended up with a painful-looking curved spine

 On yer bike! This man thought he was pulling the wool over his friends eyes by superimposing a glamorous model on the back of his motorbike

 Pretty low on the pecking order: This man on the left has a very strange shaped arm, while the man on the right summons images of the incredible hulk

What a boob: This young woman attempted to inflate her chest, but only managed half a job

He didn't have the stomach for editing: This man got the jumper-lifting right, but failed with everything else 

Bendy breasts: The young woman enlarged her chest, but knocked out the door next to her in the process

 Magic muscles: This young man might be pointing out his bicep, but all eyes are on the curtain behind

Eye don't think so: These women attempted to give themselves an exotic eye colour, but ended up looking ill

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