Bin Ladin Papers Declassified By Intelligence Officials - Continentalinquirer

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Thursday 4 June 2015

Bin Ladin Papers Declassified By Intelligence Officials

U.S. intelligence officials on Wednesday declassified and released documents seized from Osama bin Ladin's hideout in Pakistan during a 2011 raid.
Among them was a 2010 letter in which bin Ladin urged al Qaeda in Yemen to make peace with the government and refocus its attention on targeting the United States and undermining US interests in the region. 

"The purpose is to focus on striking inside America and its interest abroad, especially oil producing countries, to agitate public opinion and to force US to withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq," read a summary of the letter, according to Reuters.  

Also recovered in the May 2011 raid, in which bin Ladin was killed, was what appeared to be part of an al Qaeda job application. 

Applicants were asked to "please answer the required information accurate and truthfully," and questions included, "Do you wish to execute a suicide operation?" and "What objectives would you like to accomplish on your jihad path?" 

A total of 103 papers and videos were released, the Associated Press reported, and can be viewed on the website of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 

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