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Thursday 4 June 2015


Butt injections done by fraudulent doctors using liquid silicone are far too common — and potentially very dangerous
BY Dr. David Samadi
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Using liquid silicone for butt injections is incredibly risky, with potentially deadly side effects.
Using liquid silicone for butt injections is incredibly risky, with potentially deadly side effects.
Kelly Mayhew, a 34-year-old woman from Maryland, died over the weekend after getting butt injections in a Queens basement. The procedure was performed by an unlicensed doctor. Shortly after, Mayhew began having difficulty breathing. She was rushed to St. John’s hospital, but died after she arrived.
Mayhew is one of many women who have died from illegal cosmetic procedures performed by doctors who claim to be licensed, but in reality are just unlicensed frauds. What is it about silicone injections that can be fatal?
Butt injections can either be made from your own fat, which is taken from another part of your body, or they can be made of foreign substances, like silicone. Foreign substances may also include free silicone, hydrogels, oils and saline.
Fat injections and silicone implants are offered throughout cosmetic surgery practices around the country. However, many fraudulent “doctors” are performing butt injections with something called free silicone — that means the silicone is in liquid form, rather than packaged like an implant. It is simply the liquid inside the implant.
Kelly Mayhew (pictured) and her mother drove up from Maryland to a two-family home on Dickens St., where they waited for the suspect, a woman who had been contacted by the victim’s friend and agreed to perform a butt injection procedure. Facebook
Kelly Mayhew (pictured) and her mother drove up from Maryland to a two-family home on Dickens St., where they waited for the suspect, a woman who had been contacted by the victim’s friend and agreed to perform a butt injection procedure.
Foreign substances like silicone, paraffin, petroleum jelly, and other non-human substances which have been known to be used in black-market cosmetic procedures are not approved by the FDA for use in humans and therefore, are illegal.
When liquid silicone is injected freely into the body, it is much more dangerous than when a person gets implants where the silicone gel is confined within a shell. However, many women, and even men, are attracted to these so-called “black market” procedures because they happen to be much cheaper than implants.
A legal butt enhancement procedure may cost up to $7,000, while unlicensed providers often charge thousands of dollars less, sometimes as little as a few hundred dollars. People who choose the cheaper route fail to take into account the significantly high risks associated with these types of illegal quick-fix procedures.
Free silicone injections come with numerous risks and complications including pulmonary embolism; kidney failure or critical disruption of the kidney functions; inflammation or infection from possible impurities or poor quality silicone; appearance of abnormal nodules or bumps under the skin; nerve damage; bleeding, scarring and abscess in the butt; uneven butt augmentation or asymmetrical results where one cheek is higher or bigger than the other; chest pain, breathing problems, and in some cases, death.
Kelly Mayhew’s doomed trip to New York ended in a basement apartment in a two-family home on Dickens St. in Far Rockaway that doubled as the phony plastic surgeon’s office. The 34-year-old female was later pronounced dead at St. John’s Hospital. Christie M Farriella/for New York Daily News
Kelly Mayhew’s doomed trip to New York ended in a basement apartment in a two-family home on Dickens St. in Far Rockaway that doubled as the phony plastic surgeon’s office. The 34-year-old female was later pronounced dead at St. John’s Hospital.
Once the liquid silicone is injected freely into the body, it can migrate to other areas of the body. This is simply because the liquid is in free form and is not contained within any barriers.
With implants, the silicone is protected within the implants barrier to the rest of the body. The body’s immune system can also react negatively against a foreign material and reject it. This can cause many health problems as the body tries to fight the foreign material that has invaded the body. Symptoms may not appear right away and can even appear years after the procedure.
If the liquid silicone migrates to another part of the body, patients may experience allergic reactions, chronic fatigue or severe joint pain.
The message here is that you should be having all desired cosmetic procedures performed by a licensed doctor in a licensed clinical facility where they can be safely administered and monitored, and where only FDA-approved products are being used.

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