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Tuesday, 23 June 2015



  • She is in a relationship with a wealthy Arab property developer from Dubai
  • Says he is willing to pay the £50,000 needed for her sex change surgery
  • Adds that the pair will get married and move to Duabi once she becomes a woman 
A transgender beauty queen is set to marry her wealthy Arab property developer boyfriend who is splashing out £50,000 on her sex-change surgery.
Tiffany-Rose Davies, 23, was born a male called Niall, and considers herself female although she is yet to undergo gender reassignment surgery.
Her partner, who she only calls Yaser, is now forking out the cash needed for her to have the operation, along with cosmetic surgery so he can marry her as a female.
Tiffany Rose-Davies, who is set to marry her wealthy Arab property developer boyfriend after undergoing gender reassignment surgery
Miss Davies considers herself as female, although she is yet to have the surgery, which costs £50,000
They plan to tie the knot next year and set up a home together in Dubai after the surgery.
The businessman has been in a relationship with Miss Davies for two years after the pair met when he messaged her on Facebook.
He has spent £20,000 in that time on Miss Davies, showering her with lavish nights in hotels, champagne and clothes.
And Miss Davies, from Kingstanding in Birmingham says that she has found true love with her fiance.
She said: ‘He’s my ideal man – tall, dark, handsome and extremely charming.
‘He has been over to see me eight times over the last two years. He has spent thousands of pounds on me and wants to marry me next year.
Bullied schoolboy now turns heads as beautiful glamour model
Miss Davies, before she started living as a woman, when she was known as Niall. She says she first realised she wanted to be female aged 13
Mr Al-Enzei has been in a relationship with Miss Davies for two years after the pair met when he messaged her on Facebook
‘It’s a huge decision to marry him and go over there to live but I will do it.
‘I haven’t given him a definite answer yet but in my heart I know he is the one for me.’
Miss Davies first met her boyfriend in July 2013, and he now intends to take her down the aisle once she is officially a woman.
She is currently on the waiting list for a full sex change with the NHS but says she intends to pay for private surgery.
She added: ‘I want cosmetic surgery including a boob job and work on my lips and nose.
‘I am on the waiting list for a full sex change operation on the NHS but he wants me to go private and is offering to pay the cost of the operation.
She is currently on the waiting list for a sex change on the NHS but her boyfriend wants her to go private and will pay for the operation
‘I didn’t ask him to pay. He offered because he sees me as a woman. I don’t think two years is too short. I think it is the norm these days actually.
‘It is fine. People get pregnant after one-night stands these days so I like to think what I am doing is old-fashioned.
‘I want to be old-fashioned. I am in love with him and see a good future with him.
‘He is doing it because he loves me and wants to do it.’
And now the pair are planning a future together and thinking about having a family.
Miss Davies explained: ‘I am smart. I am not a stupid little girl, I have thought about this a lot.
‘But he says he loves me and doesn’t want to lose me. I thought he might be a conman at first but it is the real thing, I’m sure of it.
‘We’ve never had sex – I am making him wait to prove he loves me. I want out first night together to be very special.
‘We have even been talking about having a family together in the future and adopting children.
‘He loves me for who I am but he has been funding my cosmetic treatment.
‘He has a lot of property and money from inheritance and told me he is worth £40million.’
Miss Davies, who has also worked as a model, says she was 13 when she first realised she wanted to become a girl after being bullied for having big ears.
She began experimenting with make-up and, at 16, enrolled at a college to study hairdressing.
When she was 17, she started calling herself Tiffany-Rose and has since had hormone treatment.
She added: ‘I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. I would be called a “freak” and “ugly” and names like “dumbo”. It was really upsetting. I didn’t have many friends and felt isolated.
‘I remember I chose the name Tiffany-Rose because, when I was I think 10-11, I had a doll with black hair I loved.
‘I said “I want to look like this when I am older”. Now I look just like her. It was a childish thing.
‘But then, when I hit puberty, I knew something was not right. I wanted to be a girl. I have known for all my life.
Miss Davies, has worked as an escort and a model and hopes to do more modelling after moving to Dubai
‘Now I pass well as a woman – most people would have no idea I was born a man.’
She is also planning to take part in Miss Transgender England and will compete at the Birmingham heats taking place on August 22.
She said she desires becoming a transgender underwear model, and bases her style on her heroines, Kim Kardashian, Cheryl Cole and Britney Spears.
She added: ‘I’m all about being individual but I get confidence from my favourite celebrities.
‘I dyed my hair brown like Kim and Cheryl as I think it suits me compared to being bleach blonde, even though I did love being a blonde as it made me look like my idol Britney.
‘I’ve had an operation on my bottom so it looks like Kim’s as well. I’m getting the whole works done.
‘I want to be the first mainstream transgender model. So I want a boob job and other surgery.
‘I have not done modelling for long. I do part-time modelling here and there in the UK but nothing big.
‘It is something I am very interested in and keen on doing long term – maybe I can do that in Dubai.’

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